Wednesday, January 28, 2009


i am no longer with mr. boyfriend. i am with mr. sailorBoy. yes, mr. sailorBoy is leaving. he's boarding either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. no more caffiene for my nights. no more walking hand in hand. and it will be for about 6 months.

nevertheless, i love my sailorBoy to the fullest.

ok ok...sudah-sudah lah jiwang kan...

aku ada proposal yang nak disiapkan, assignments, presentation dan banyak lagi yang perlu diselesaikan. macam bosan je kan dengar menda yang sama berulang-ulang? tapi this is the final semester. after this we're all gonna miss all these (ye ke?) betulla tu..

ok ok. aku lupa nk ceritakan pazal bubble kan?? nanti la ek. macam takda mood je nak bercerita pasal bubble. lain masa, mungkin...maaf ya.

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