Thursday, December 25, 2008

it's Christmas and i'm crocking!

and as a Christmas gift for me, i got my pair of red Alice! yeay!!!!

i know crocs's size should be one size larger than our normal size kan. as for me, my normal size is 8, so my crocs should be 9. unfortunately, when i tried size 9, it was too big!! my feet went out of the shoes whn i walked. so how? i just took size 8 that suits my foot ngam-ngam.
and, i was in dilemma whether to choose blue or red. since blue is cute and flashy too on my skin, i was about to take blue. but i am fond of red and has been eying for the red Alice eversince i saw it, i took red, eventually.
can't wait to crocking in my red Alice!!!! yabeda beduuuu!!
santa cruz and patra,
your'e next. especially patra. i'm so gonna get ya! ;p

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