Sunday, April 5, 2009

Quizzes on Facebook

Quizzes on facebook are yes, too much and I shall say, overrated.

But I enjoy doing them when I got nothing better to do. Err..Or when I got lots of better things to do in which are my assignments, but I just refuse to do it. Teruknya. The ghost of diligence is yet to possess me. Well, I suppose the GMT is not right yet. (f*ck!). Btw, I'm the type who enjoys doing tagging, surveys and whatever you call it. Just for fun and okay, malas buat kerja.

The latest quiz I did was 'What Movie is Your Life?'

My life is the Footloose.

You have a rebellious side to you. You know exactly what you want out of life. You just want to have some fun, loosen up a bit and make everything on the other side of the fence "YOURS."

Another one that I like is 'What Type of Starbucks Drinks are You?'

I am the...

Mocha Frappuccino
You're smiley, outgoing, & always with friends. You're addicted to Starbucks & always getting something sweet, just like you :).

But i always go for caramel Macchiato! But I shall try other things next time.
Ouuuuh~ somebody! Please save me!
Elly! You should save yourself! This is what happen when we are all burnt OUT! (Last night I didn't sleep. I watched teh Curious Case of Benjamin Button) =)
*doing the ceremony to call the ghost and for the right GMT*
Saya berjanji. Saya akan buat dengan betul-betul tekun mulai hari ini malam ini.
I believe, everybody in my batch is going gila for these few weeks. Seronoknya! urrgh!

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