Monday, May 18, 2009

Lame Old Lame Old

Yes, it is a new phase of life and I am still at the same staircase.

Loitering around at home with DVDs and Kakuro (that makes me turn out to be a boring person), went
to my newly wed cousin's house to help out with the cleaning yesterday, waiting for someone to take me out on a date, just got my harbound copy for my thesis. And, hell yeah. I eat a lot! I mean the desire to eat is like flaming hot fire that people would get tired feeding me, I'm sure.

Yeap. That's all I have been up to lately. What else?

Oh. But I know that something big is waiting for me later on. Or maybe sooner!(irrelevant claim to soothe this lame poudning heart)

P.S: Waiting to get posted is somehow such a father of boredom and...sickness!

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