Tuesday, December 30, 2008
back to school
Monday, December 29, 2008
new year new (or old) resolution
Sunday, December 28, 2008
random of yesterday
1. it was my brother's engagement. we went to hell far and tiring Sabak Bernam for the ceremony.
2. when we reached there, i was the one who carried the cake's tray, one of the 5 hantaran.
highlight: 3. i dropped the cake right in front of the girl's grandmother, right on front of the house as we reached there. it was like the cake was terbalik nd penyet! i was so shocked and i don't know how to picture my feeling at that time, but i know it was hell so unexpected! everybody was so terkejut like okay, it was kinda humiliating. but to me, after that, it was kinda funny. it was like in cartoons where cakes flung here and there and destroyed! hahahahaha. the thing that bother me most was my new baju kurung got dirty of the cream cake. it was chocolate cake and duh..want it or not, one of my aunties safed the cake by picking it up and put it upside down back onto the tray. the tray was actually kind of slippery and the box of the cake was that transparent plastic box. the tray was light and the cloth is kinda a thin and silky. so it slipped la of course. hahahaha. nasib la.
4. i came across a zebra print wedges just like the one in the Lipstick Jungle. but of course this one is faux lah. and it is not a heels like in that series. it is a pump wedges. or there any specific name for it? unfortunately, there was no size for me. not even one size smaller! actually i had no intention to buy it since i have no more munny to spend. i've been spending quite a lot lately and have to wait for my next salary which is on 7th January. i was so sad. to me, not being able to get what i want is not a real doom. no, that's not actually the real one. but, the fact that i could not have a try of it due to the size problem is. because, at least, i got to feel when i could not have it. and to make it worst, when i got the size right, it suits me right, and the item is right, but the money is not right that i can't afford it. then, that one is a real real doom lah.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
it's Christmas and i'm crocking!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
p.s: i've touched it and put it on my ears!!! oh me goshhhh!!
drawbacks. the memory is not that impressive lah.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
ha??? aku tak kerja dah??!!
oklah kawan-kawan, aku nak pergi hantar uniform aku ni. sehingga bertemu lagi di lain masa, selamat tahun baru, selamat berazam baru (aku pun tak set lagi azam baru ni)...tata.
p.s: i'm gonna miss the pizza hut team members, despite everything...mmmuaxx!!!
diorang best! macam somtam 'abang kakak' kat depan pizza tu.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
stuffed crust pizza
Saturday, December 13, 2008
- i miss mr. boyfriend oh so much
- i am tired
- i want red Alice. really really want it!
hey, if girls out there wish to have a set of hair like Posh, Rihanna, Pink and you name it, my niece is proud that her hair is like Dora the Explorer's hair.
Friday, December 12, 2008
it's 8 p.m and i am at home
Monday, December 8, 2008
pada hari raya haji
changing hands for the hantaran. it was so heavy! these two are my cousins. they are sisters.
that's my mother. holding the black beauty.
my cousin (the son of the photographer) in white and my little brother in blue. we are heading off to our nenek's house.
these are photoes on the wedding at our nenek's house. it was one day after that. it is called 'menyambut menantu'.
see... tengah bertugas as flower girl pun sempat lagi detect paparazi ;p
(the baju is too big for me. i took it because that's the last piece, and i wanted the colour to match with my kain)
my 4th, 3rd sister and i standing at the gate with the door gifts.
my little cousin in bilik pengantin yang cantik. she loves camera and camera loves her.
new product
tak kerja !
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
my mistakes and rude customers
1. i voided orders that has been sent to the kitchen. dang! it is WRONG. do
not do this when you are involving with oreders and machine. first, the customer
asked for large pizza. and punched in the order as (L). suddenly, she wanted to
change it to regular size. i went to the machine and void the (L) and keyed in
(R). the next time, she wanted to have large back. and i, went back to the
machine and void the (R) and keyed in the (L) again. that is totally wrong. we
can't void orders when it has been sent. it should be me, telling the customer
that nothing can be done becasue it is already punched in. hehehehehe....that
was my first big mistake and lesson, of course.
2. i keyed in double orders. soem of the tables in the hut are combined.
e.g. table 13 & 14 are considered as 1. 15&16, 17&18. so, when we
take orders, we must just take one number of table from the two. it is up to us.
and the runner would understand. i, i know and very clear about all those
things. it starts when the docket machine at the computer where i have keyed in
the orders was out of paper. so the dockets can't be printed. i asked the
manager about it and she said go ad do it again at another computer (tehre was 3
computers). i misunderstood the insruction. i thought she meant that i had to do
everything again. so, i went to another computer, and keyed in the orders again.
the table was 15&16. so it is considered as ONE table. the fisrt time, i
keyed in table 15 and the second tie was 16. it should be no problem with the
number of the table. BUT, my misinterpretation IS. what the manager meant was,
go and print it again at another computer. ngeh ngeh! my mistake is called
'double order'. it is a lost to a company. the other manager asked me to try my
best to suggest the same order next. it was Meal 4, breadstick change to garlic
bread. and lucky for me, the very next order that i took was asking for Meal 4,
CHANGE to garlic bread! see..i've reconciled everyting okayyy (the kitchen boy,
Wan made fun of it). and i even covered an order of a set for my friend tonight,
without fail (i suggested, and they bought it. my eloquence, i guess..)
1. last two nights, there was a pakcik with 4 children (the
children also need to be taguht about manners, i presume). in his order, there
was a criscut fries. to have the sauce (mayo + lime), you need to add rm1 and
tell the person who is taking your order. but this pakcik did not tell the crew
and suddenly called me, asking about the sauce. i asked the kitchen and he said
about the rm1 and asked me to asked the pakcik lah. and you know what he said?
"alaaaaah..bolehnya kita nak bayar..masukkan je lah dalam bil nanti.." mak
aih...muka macam !@#$%^& je the moment he said that rude line. i was still smiling, get him the sauce and keyed in the order. and i overheard the ugly fat and not so pretty daughter (i think she is around 11-13 years old) said, "itupun nak kene ajar ke??" amboi amboi amboi...kau ingat kau pandai sangat??? SPM pun belum, nak biadab ngan orang (dalam hati je la kan). and as i was wiping the plates at the bar, he called me again, "eh..eh..takda sos ke?? ke kene bayar jugak??" amboih!!! kau pehal nak tambah-tambah line yang belakang tu???. at that night, i was so angry that i showed my rude face. we are just following the procedures. bukannye itu kedai bapak aku ke, aku ke yang aku bole buat sesuka hati pun. and it happened that azie, the bartender that night forgot to make his son's mango tango. i was at the bar. and i asked azie to put the mango cordial more than is should. my intention was so that the son got home and suffer from diarrhea. hahahahaha!!! but of course we did not do that. azie just laughed upon that.
2. and last night, as we were so busy in the hut, there was one table
of pakcik(s) with ketayap(s), asking me as i walked pass their table sending
foods to other table. he said, "eh...mana barang ni tak sampai-sampai???". after
settling the other table's foods, i went to the machine to check the orders from
the pakci(s) table, to make sure that at least they got the soups as i can send
the soup first by referring to the listed orders. but my good and sacred inention
turned sour when i saw on the computer, it is said that "serve:3 minutes".
halllo pakcik!! kau baru je lepas 3 minit ambik order kat situ, takkan nak
sibuk-sibuk tanya dah kot. sabar lah!!!! bukannya boleh siapkan makanan guna
magic. after that, i just ignored that table and went on with my other important
see, people. when you go dine out at any restaurants, do consider the situation of the place and of course everybody involved. unless, the service is really surely defnitely damn lousy, then you can complain :)
my week-end
Thursday, November 27, 2008
improvement at the closing
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tribute to Allahyarham Tan Sri P. Ramlee
adehdeh! malasnye nak pergi kerja hari ni. hari ni masuk pukul 6 lagi, closing. orang kata, biasalah, baru lepas off day kan. tapi aku everytime nak pergi kerja pun malas je. isk! mungkin sebab hari hujan kot yang jadi malas tahap gaban gini. uniform tak iron lagi. huhu~pagi tadi, bangun dari tidur, terus je tengok tv (buruk perangai), cerita Anakku Sazali, tayangan Allahyarham Tan Sri P. Ramlee. best pulak tengok citer lama-lama gini. kalau tak silap, hari-hari ada kot di Astro Prima. dalam cerita ni, bestnya dia dapat beli biola dengan harga 7 ringgit sahaja. kalau sekarang, rm7 dapat apa? makan lepas, oh, nak pusing Kuala Lumpur pun lepas je dangan menaiki Rapid KL. heheh. tapi gila murah la barang-barang zaman dulu kan. dalam cerita tu, aku suka lagu 'Istana Cinta' dan 'Bahasa Cinta'. Joget si Pinang Muda pun best juga.
Tiada kata secantik bahasaUntuk ku puji adindaTiada gambar secantik lukisanNak kutunjuk perasaanO dinda puspa gemalaMengharum jiwaHemm... HemmDinda puspa gemalaMestika kandaNamun musim berubahSuasana bertukarTapi ikatan mesraSikit pun takkan longgarTiada kata secantik bahasaUntuk kupuji adinda
Dengan cinta kubina istanaKau sentuh runtuk jadi pusaraCahaya hidupku jadi gerhanaBisa jiwa menanggung deritaKusemai benih kasih sejatiKupupuk dengan baja nan asliNgapa kau siram racun yang pedihKu tahui kini hanya rasa nan pedihKu mimpikan istana janjimuKu hias cantik dalam angan-anganSebab bencana datang menggangguKini hancur musnah istana impianlagu-lagu beliau tak semestinya memerlukan lirik yang panjang-panjang. tapi maksudnya sangatlah indah dan mendalam lagi bermakna kalau difahami yang tersiratnya kan.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
1.) Do you think you’re hot?
- mr. boyfriend said so. and i am vain.
2.) Upload your favourite picture of you!
3.) Why do you like that picture?
-because it shows just one eye. and pimples
4.) When was the last time you ate pizza?
last night at work. someone did not collect his take away order. haha!
5.) The last song you listen to?
- the fray - look after you
6.) What are you doing right now beside this?
- nothing. sleepy
7.) What name would you prefer beside yours?
no other name, but my names
5 peoples to tag:
- i dun want to tag...oh oh, before he tags me, y don't i tag him first.
Amir Syafiq, you're tagged
8.) Who is number one?
- Amir Syafiq - a funny guy whom i read his blog
9.) Number three is having a relationship with?
- the same guy - idk
10.) Say something about number five?
- he is funny
- spontaneous
12.) Who is number two?
- another blogger
sorry Amir Syafiq. saya tag anda dulu. ngeh ngeh
nitenite people!! off to bed... :)
tiring night
the hut was not that busy.
the bar was not that tiring.
but the closing was so complicated. we had to do this and that. we had to empty all the containers, the ice tank, move all the things on the bar, wipe it and let it dry etc. etc.
i had to scrub the floor at the bar and dried the water since that was my territory.
but thank god that i had Riezal to help me. he was such a kind and helpful gentleman. :)
we did the bar together :)
he has been so helpful and so sweet!!
i wouldn't know what would happen to me if he was not there.
thanks to Rusdi and Hafiz too. :)
love you guys!!!
and the drama...i think now i got the theory. it's all about combination.
peanut butter just can't mix with mayonnaise. even though both are yummy alone, they are just not good and that yummy together.
last night, there was no entertainment at the hut, and i found my heart and mind are at peace (other than my ignorance).
and i heard that kak Camellia did not come to work yesterday. rumors says that she had a quarrel with that 'model' last two nights. i am yet to dig in. and, i think one of the reason that i was not annoyed last night was because the 'model' worked in the kitchen last night. no wonder it was such a tranquil out there...
and guess what?? it is my day off again!! last sunday is the day off for last week. and for this week, it is tuesday.
p.s: i am sleepy and tired. but i am hungry too. and i need something hot. thus, i cooked myself rice porridge, yummy!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
i received an sms from kak Camellia just now.
she's planning to resign from that hut.
she feels insulted by the stupidos.
(i know it because i heard it how they talked behind her back and on her face, sarcastically)
that's rude.
you know why?? because kak Camellia has a diploma in Hotel Management, from UiTM.
thus, all these serving thingy is part of her life. she knows how to serve customer at the very best, unlike those stupidos. maybe they just can't accept the fact that she is better than they are, in all aspects. damn morrons!!
i guess it tells everything about them.
and i...
Amazing Race Asia

i've been so busy and tired that i almost forgot about another life that i have.
i just want to congratulate my favorite teams in Amazing Race Asia for being one of the challenging teams in the race.
Ida and Tania, you guys are amazing! it is amazing of you guys to race amazingly in this amazing Amazing Race!
my sister, brother and I were on the pins and needles watching the finale that night!
daymn Tisha and Geoff. thank god Vince and Sam who was so out of no where got to be the winner. it was so unexpected since they was the last team to begin!
to Bernie and Henry, you guys are cute brother and sister! especially Bernie, i am your life time fan! ooh~
games and work
hahaha! all the games on facebook are fun and err..intimidating! hahaha!
for the brain thingy game, they said i have a brain of missing link! and the cartoon is an ape! well, yeah. i admit that i do not have a very good and healthy and active brain. lol!
i love the Geo game since i love flags! and of course my world geography is not that good. i used to be the best student for Geography in school. but it was back then. years ago. i love atlas. but it has been aeons since my last stare at an atlas. haha!
today, i feel so relaxed. i did the translating thingy, and now having my break. one day off from work gives me a chance to reflect on how i have improved at the hut :)
i think i can handle the ice creams. be it yummy, single, double or triple. i made 1 yummy, 2 doubles and 6 triple pleasure yesterday! making them is fun! and such a satisfaction looking at the beautiful ice cream you've made!
mocha and cappuccino frappe are also well done. and also mango tango. i remembered a take away order of mango tango yesterday that i made.
and i am now able to use my both hands delivering drinks to the customers. one hand for a tray of 5-6 glasses and another hand for the pitcher. the same goes for the soups. i can balance everything on one hand. mr. boyfriend said that's good to put off my clumsiness. well, yes, i do think so. i hope the moment of soup or pizza or drinks or anything spill on the customers won't come. :)
i'm starting to like my job (but of course not when the negative auras around).
it's tiring, but that is work. it's not a problem with me even though i get home and whining about how tired i am. but that is the nature of working, regardless of types of work we are doing. we have to live with it.
maybe i'll go on with part time when i am back in shah alam later. but of course with the convinience of my classes timetable. i hope it won't clash and will cooperate with me very well. but i learn that pizza hut has a flexible timetable for the part timers. so we'll see la how :)