Sunday, November 23, 2008


i received an sms from kak Camellia just now.

she's planning to resign from that hut.
she feels insulted by the stupidos.
(i know it because i heard it how they talked behind her back and on her face, sarcastically)
that's rude.

you know why?? because kak Camellia has a diploma in Hotel Management, from UiTM.
thus, all these serving thingy is part of her life. she knows how to serve customer at the very best, unlike those stupidos. maybe they just can't accept the fact that she is better than they are, in all aspects. damn morrons!!

i guess it tells everything about them.

and i...


Debot said...

gile macam-macam politik and issues at your place weh!

W. Suhailaliza W. M. H. said...

itulaahh..macam hell je tmpat tu! sibbaik aku ni leh wat muka toyer je..tahan la lagi kot sket2..biar panas tlinga, meletup je belum lagi ni...