Thursday, June 25, 2009

To My HappYness.

Teee heee hee. =D

I am happy as my HappYness is coming back for good. I mean he's coming back for a 3 month-break. I can't feel any better and relieved as he is safe through out the sail and now coming back to the main land. I'm going to arrange my schedules of interviews and whatnots ;and he will need to settle his stuffs and the new course. Whatever it is, I am glad as seeing each other is not impossible anymore!

At least for 3 months!

*uhuuurrmm! clear thorat*

Dear HappYness,

Welcome home and do reach home safely. I've been waiting for this moment to come and it seemed He listened to me and granted my wish(es). Me so sorry for all the stupid(s) I've done upon waiting for you to really can come home (after two times of false alarm). And now, I'm sure I won't do such again because being with you is all that I need. My crankiness will be caged for several months or hopefully as you wished, forever.

*answering your phone call..*

Can't wait to see you, boy. I just can't imagine how to react when I see your face later. It has been 4 months since we looked into each others' eyes. I'm sure I'm going to be all shy and that butterfly in my tummy, she's surely going to fly and tickle again. Oh, I just can't wait for that very moment to come! Really, I can't imagine the smile that is going to crack when I see you. Will it be from ear to ear? And maybe that smile will go frosted on my face that people will give you weird looks. And also, maybe it comes together with a jig and giggles along way. Hihi. Take care. Me love you muchos. Cepat la oiii!

-your sweeTness-

*this is what happened when the phone line is barred. Need to send this big SMS*


Debot said...

hihihi. i'm happy for u babe~

W. Suhailaliza W. M. H. said...

thank you adib!! =D

mInImOy said...

wah~ mesti best kan?

i used to have one long distance relationship when i was 18. we're both from Miri, but he had to study in Kuching, and I was thrown to the deserted Tronoh. and all we've got is sms-es and calls. only Hari Raye je bleh jumpe.

and bile jumpe, the feelings that you described tu mmg btul ade. kalau bleh siap lompat2 cam jellybeans lg. haha.

but that was before (he's an ex now), my Hubby and me now cam siamese twin je.

hope u have a great 3-months later!

W. Suhailaliza W. M. H. said...

thank you moy. =D

but we can't be twins yet sbb he's in kuching and i'm in kl. so nanti ny turun malaya jak lah br boley dating2. n tht will be end of july kot..huhuhuhu..tak sabar!!

but sms and calling2 bley 24/7. itupun dah cukup baik. hihihi...

oooh! =D