Friday, February 20, 2009

silver lining in the cloud

despite averything, yesterday's presentation on PPSMI was the best presentation I've ever had! it's not because I did my best, but well, I think I did since I wasn't as nervous as I usually felt for past past presentation. It is because of the cool audiences!

I'd like to thanks all the classmates who attended the class yesterday. You guys were awesome!!! the discussion was so interesting and I would say it did get someone's nerves on!! haha!! cool!! the crux of the problem is not about the preservation of the language. we are all aware about it. people fuss about it because of the students' result in M&S that is claimed getting worse due to the failure in delivering and understanding the concept of Math and Science. but I think, there's no need for me to write about PPSMI here as I'm sure there are tons of articles and arguments on air.

but personally, I think, PPSMI should not be reversed. It should be continued. it is still too early to judge the outcomes. we are still in the trial and error mode. stop being so happy in our comfort zone. try to be competetive in lieu. the problem about reversing it, no, I'm pretty sure that the government won't do it. it'll cost thousand ringgit of lost. the perfect way is to tackle the problems from many angles and to improve from there. not to abolish it.yes, it will take like a decade from now to see the success. bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian. jangan kearna marahkan nyamuk seekor, satu kelambu habis dibakar (Pn. Rohaya, 2009).

yes, there were some mistakes done in the first place before PPSMI was implemented. but what can we do about the past? those are the things that can't be undone. focus on here and now, about current problems. not pointing fingers. insyaAllah, everything is going to be fine.

yeah, we love to dress up for any presentations!

chiao!! *still sick*

p.s: sad because everything becomes politics nowadays. education and kids too?

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