Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fiesta Belon Udara Panas II

Errr.. can I take back everything that I said last night? The part where I said "yikes! I'm so gonna have a ride on it!". Can I?

Because we went there today but there were no hot air balloons. They were there yesterday, and will be there today and also tomorrow. But only at certain time. They will only fly the balloons at 8a.m-9a.m and 5.30p.m-7p.m everyday. So we went there at quite a wrong time just now. And oh, pengumuman: the tickets for the hot air blloons, for today and tomorrow are SOLD OUT. I repeat, SOLD OUT. Hurmm...of course. There are only 25 hot air balloons provided and to cater like 500 visitors. Okay, okay. I think I shall go to somewhere where they have hot air ballon ride for free. Own it? No lah.

By the way, the hot air balloons were not set up at noon due to the hot weahther that will affect the balloon. I think the propane will go nuts. That's why they only have the fun ride in the morning and evening.

Nevermind, esok esok esok dan esok masih ada. Bukan rezeki. ;) [padahal kecewa nak mati mati]


Debot said...

fuiyyoo abes positive mind set ko elly!

W. Suhailaliza W. M. H. said...

hurrrmm.. *breathing in more*


epifah said...

xpe.xde rezeki.mana tau naik pastu belon pecah ke.hihi.

W. Suhailaliza W. M. H. said...

epifah: oh. itu buat aku takut untuk naik selamanye~